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Window Washing, Gutter Cleaning, and Power Washing Services


How to Maintain Your Window’s Track in Between Professional Cleanings

Published 8/14/2014

The window track is the area either between the screen and the window or an interior window and an exterior storm window.  This area gets very dirty, very easily. Cleaning this area every fall and spring can make a big difference in keeping your home clean as well as reducing allergens in your home.

What You Will Need
  • Q-Tips
  • Warm water
  • Vinegar
  • Paper towels
  • A Vacuum
How Often Should Window Tracks be Cleaned?
It is recommended to clean the tracks of your window every fall and every spring. During a professional window cleaning, this area will also be deep cleaned. 

How to Clean Your Window Track
Usually there is a heavy amount of black dirt, dead bugs, and small leaves caught in the track. Start by vacuuming the large debris. 

Vinegar naturally kills bacteria and can be used as a pet-friendly, child-safe way to clean window tracks. Next, use vinegar and paper towels to clean the larger areas. Once you have wiped up most of the visible dirt, use q-tips dipped in vinegar to get the smaller, harder to reach areas. After you have completely rid the track of any visible dirt or condensation, wipe the area with warm water and a paper towel. This will help reduce the scent of any remaining vinegar and any remaining dirt.  

When you clean your window tracks it is also advised to wipe down your screens with warm water and a cloth to help keep the window tracks cleaner, longer.
Call us today at 1-800-640-9170 to book your professional window cleaning service. 

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